OUSJP Mission Statement

Ohio University Students for Justice in Palestine

We are a group of students, faculty, staff, and community members at Ohio University organized to promote justice, human rights, liberation, and self-determination for the Palestinian people.

We see our task as primarily educational. We work in solidarity with, not on behalf of, Palestinians and Israelis who together continue to struggle against the apartheid regime that has consolidated itself in the West Bank, Gaza, Jerusalem, The Golan Heights, and 1967 Israel.

We believe that the Palestinian people must ultimately be able to decide their future in Palestine. Accordingly, other nations (including Israel and the U.S.) must follow international law, human rights, and basic standards of justice in order for there to be a just resolution of the plight of the Palestinians. 

Therefore, we seek:
    an end to colonial systems of governance in the West Bank, Gaza, and Israel;
    end to occupation and settlements outside Israel’s 1967 borders;
    the end of Israeli military and civilian occupation of the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, The Golan Heights, and East Jerusalem;
    recognition and implementation of the Right of Return for all Palestinian refugees and their descendants;
    an end to the Israeli system of apartheid and discrimination against the indigenous Palestinian population;
    a recognition of the role of the U.S. government and its citizens in the maintenance and funding of Israeli apartheid;
    an end to US economic and military aid to Israel;

Our solidarity with the Palestinian people is rooted in a fundamental respect for human rights. We welcome individuals of all ethnic and religious backgrounds to join in solidarity with the struggle for justice for all in Palestine.

Our activities include educational events, demonstrations, civil disobedience, and a campaign demanding that Ohio University divest from Israel.

[Last updated: November 2, 2010]